Winter Baseline Testing Camp

View Our Camp Brochure
When the athlete leaves this camp they will have the tools they need to make specific and focused improvements in training to reach their goals in the most efficient way possible. They will have specific training zones for both cycling and running, as well as consults from our coaches on how to use this data and provide opportunities for individualized goal setting and training programs. The metabolic assessments will provide the athlete the necessary information for making body composition adjustments as well as dialing in unique race nutrition needs. Finally, the biomechanical assessments using detailed video analysis will highlight areas for improvement in swimming, cycling and running. Our coaches will provide drills and training opportunities for addressing any biomechanical imbalances that might slow progress toward the athlete's goals. All of this information will be summarized in the booklet provided at the end of the camp so that it remains easily accessible during the journey toward a more successful training and racing season.
This camp includes:
·         Physiological testing:
o    Cycling VO2max/blood lactate profile
o    Running VO2max/blood lactate profile
o    Resting Metabolic Rate determination
o    Metabolic Efficiency (metabolic needs in various training zones)
·         Biomechanical Analysis
o    Video analysis and consult for swimming, biking, and running
·         Blood Work
·         Nightly presentations
·         Camp consult summary to take home
·         Physiological testing:
o    Cycling VO2max/blood lactate profile
o    Running VO2max/blood lactate profile
o    Resting Metabolic Rate determination
o    Metabolic Efficiency (metabolic needs in various training zones)
·         Biomechanical Analysis
o    Video analysis and consult for swimming, biking, and running
·         Blood Work


Resting Metabolic Rate
The camp begins with a gas exchange analysis to determine your resting metabolic rate (RMR). This value represents the number of calories you burn while resting and not exerting yourself in any way. Since your RMR typically accounts for 60-70% total daily energy expenditure knowing it RMR is vital when formulating an individualized nutrition plan.
Blood Work
We will take a fasting blood sample to determine any abnormalities or nutritional deficiencies. A physician reviews your blood results, and you will have a personal consultation to explain the results. The blood analysis will consist of the following:
·          Complete Blood Count (CBC)- measures hematocrit, hemoglobin, and leukocytes.
·          Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)- checks for thyroid gland problems that may be causing fatigue, weight gain, or weight loss.
·          Testosterone- many endurance athletes show lower than normal testosterone levels. This can reflect overtraining and severely affect muscle repair, strength, energy, libido, and many other important body functions.  
·          Cortisol- increased levels can be an indicator of overtraining.  
·          Lipids- test measures total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and triglycerides to identify risk of coronary heart disease and vascular disease.
·          Serum Ferritin- reflects the amount of iron stored in the body. Iron is a particularly important mineral for endurance athletes due to its role in binding oxygen. It is common among endurance athletes to have acceptable hemoglobin and hematocrit counts when ferritin levels are severely depleted. Low ferritin levels can be the cause of abnormal exhaustion, slow recovery, and declining performances.  
Body Fat Analysis
We will perform a skin fold test to determine body fat percentage.  The results will help us refine your nutrition recommendations. 
An electrocardiogram will be performed and reviewed by Dr. Bruce Andrea in order to detect any heart abnormalities.  
Running VO2 Max, Lactate Threshold (LT), Metabolic Efficiency (ME)
VO2 Max will be determined by monitoring gas exchange during a progressive exercise test to exhaustion. Lactate Threshold will be determined by blood samples taken during the test. Metabolic Efficiency (calories expended and the percent of those calories that come from carbohydrates and fats at different workloads) will also be monitored through gas exchange data.
Cycling VO2 Max, LT, and ME
Almost all endurance athletes demonstrate a different VO2 max and LT for different sports. Therefore, in order to optimize training it is important to know the different values for cycling and running. We will perform a second graded test on a stationary bike with gas analysis, blood lactate, and metabolic efficiency.  


Underwater Stroke Analysis
Using Silicon Coach video analysis software, we will identify areas of improvement in your swim stroke to focus your efforts toward perfecting your technique. Screen shots of key points during your stroke aid in visualization, and we will provide drills to help correct any imbalances.
Running Gait Analysis
While you are out on the track, we will capture your running gait in a real running environment (e.g. not on a treadmill at a running shoe store). With this video and our Silicon Coach software, we will identify areas for improvement and that you can focus on during training. With screen shots of key points during your running gait and drills to correct any imbalances, you’ll be well on your way toward a more efficient running gait.
Spin Scan Analysis
We will be using a combination of Spin Scan Analysis on the Velotron and video to analyze your cycling technique. With screen shots of your pedaling technique using Silicon Coach software and results from the Spin Scan Analysis, we’ll provide you a set of drills to optimize your cycling efficiency. 
Running Form and Calisthenics Clinic
We will take the results of your gait analysis out on the track to teach you how to perfect your stride outside of the lab environment. This will include personalized running drill recommendations as well as callisthenic exercises to help prevent injury.


We have a cardiologist, exercise physiologist, nutritionist, sports scientist and professional triathlete on staff to analyze all tests and give personal consults explaining your results how you can use them to optimize your training. If you have a personal coach we will be more than happy to explain your results (via phone or skype) to him/her as well.
At the end of camp you will be given a take-home booklet outlining your test results, what they mean for you, and how to use the information to optimize your training for the upcoming season.
We will also have nightly lectures, given by professional athletes, coaches, doctors, and physiologists. Topics include exercise physiology, cardiac health, and the importance of proper biomechanics for injury prevention. 


Four days and three nights of lodging at Durango's historic Strater Hotel are included with the camp. Meals are included as well. Breakfast and Dinner will be catered by the 1887 Catering Company at the hotel, and lunch will be on the road. Vegetarian and vegan options are available, and we will do our best to accommodate any other dietary needs.
Check out the Strater Hotel at


All dates assume a Thursday afternoon/evening arrival and Sunday afternoon/evening departure.  We recommend you either drive, or fly into Durango La-Plata County airport.  We will provide transportation from the airport and throughout camp.
·          January 11-15
·          February 8-12
·          March 7-11


$2450 per person
Assumes single occupancy hotel room and includes:
·         4 days / 3 nights at Strater Hotel in downtown Durango
·         Catered meals (breakfast and dinner)
·         Transportation to/from airport and to training sites
·         A mechanic to un-pack, build, and re-pack your bike at the end of camp
·         Physiological testing:
o    Cycling VO2max/blood lactate profile
o    Running VO2max/blood lactate profile
o    Resting Metabolic Rate determination
o    Metabolic Efficiency (metabolic needs in various training zones)
·         Biomechanical Analysis
o    Video analysis and consult for swimming, biking, and running
·         Blood Work
·         Nightly presentations
·         Camp consult summary to take home
A reduced rate is available for a double occupancy hotel room. Call or e-mail for exact pricing. 


To reserve your spot we require a $500 non-refundable deposit. Please call or e-mail with further questions or to make reservations and plan your trip!

    Deposit of $500:
